There's a story behind each of us...
I started with nothing, I mean nothing material, but I had my desire to succeed, almost forcing me to make many decisions (including the bad ones)…
I have pursued my freedom and travelled the continents to the other side of the world. It was a crazy idea and yes it was difficult to leave my mum and dad, my brother, my grandparents and the rest of my family behind…but although I didn't know it then, I was pursuing my dreams and finding my purpose.
Over the years, I’ve learned a lot of lessons. I’ve learned about the importance of focus and the absolute necessity of having a plan. I’ve also learned that if you want something, you go and get it. It probably won’t be easy and it may hurt…but that’s when you know it’s worth it. You add some tough love coaching and you have a structure to hold on to.
It was almost inevitable that I have become a successful financial coach myself. My beliefs are reflected in my work and they help others move forward. I always share my story because I use my own example to demonstrate that we are all creators of our own future.
If we surround ourselves with the right people, have a plan to stick to and focus on what really matters we can achieve the unthinkable.
Using ‘the best’ products, having complicated investment structures or managing an investment portfolio is something that every professional adviser should be able to help you with.
But if you want to make sure you are on the right path to accomplish something you always wanted, please make that step and connect with me. I might be able to help. There is no such thing as failure, only lack of trying.
I look forward to speaking with you and hearing your story.
by Michal Bodi
For practical financial tips and ongoing updates and my professional opinion please connect with me on LinkedIn or follow my tweets.